Are you maximizing your day?

Are you counting on being productive at specific hours of the day but finding yourself constantly derailed by distractions?

What do you do when you have that difficult meeting with clients?


What gets measured gets improved.

The Productivity Challenge uses iBlockCube's well crafted guidelines, checklist, free ebook guide to help you personalize each lesson, keep you accountable, and track your progress!

In just 7 days, you’ll learn how to master your time and reclaim 2–3 hours day

  • Discover where your time actually goes each day (and how to reclaim 2–3 productive hours each day)
  • Use personal data to optimize your schedule and prioritize your most important task
  • Build powerful workplace habits and workflows that rebuild your focus, reduce daily stress, and put you back in control
  • Banish distractions, overcome procrastination, and feel motivated every day

You'll learn how to:

Free Resources & Tools

Scoring Card

Mood Board

Here's what you get

Have the tips on how to be productive in your job from work-from-home experts.

Get the Ultimate Guide to Work from Home Ebook.

Join the most fun-filled and educational challenge while working at home.

Join the 7-Day Productivity Challenge for busy work from home workers

Learn powerful strategies designed to help you do more, be more productive, and live a happier, more successful life.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for being productive.

  • Feel like you’re not in control of your time each day.
  • Miss time with friends and family because you always feel the need to “catch up”.
  • Feel like no matter how hard you try to stay focused during the workday coz' you’re constantly distracted.
  • Want more time to work on your most meaningful tasks
    —not just emails, chats, and meetings?

This 7 days challenge is for you if you:

Take the Challenge

Here's what they say after taking the 7-day Productivity Challenge

Ben Smith

"I realized I was able to do a lot more than I can imagine."

"A great challenge with lots of step by step instructions. I can now confidently create infographics, creatives and as a bonus, It helps me to work and save me so much time..."

Girlie Garcia

Virtual Assistant

Project Manager

Aarav Farhan

Web Developer

"As a developer, this Productivity Challenge help me to debug and fix what I need to fix in time. It helps me to prioritize what I need to prioritize."

Time is your most valuable resource.

Take control of your time again with The iBlockCube 7 Days Productivity Challenge.

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